Abhiliv Syrup

Abhiliv syrup is a combination of sarfooka, makoi, katuka, kasni, vidang, pippali & bhringraj. It helps to treat liver related problems

Abhiliv Syrup
  • Packing : 200 ml
  • MRP : 180
  • Weight : 270 gm



  • Helps to detoxify liver
  • Helps to detoxify liver
  • Helps in Production of bile
  • Helps to control sugar level to treat diabetes
  • Helps to cleanse your blood
  • Helps to increase appetite
  • Helps to promote Digestion

How To Use

  • Adults: Take 1-2 tea spoon in lukewarm water empty stomach thrice a day or as directed by Physician
  • Children: 1/2 tea spoon in lukewarm water thrice a day empty stomach or as directed by Physician
