Fruit Bleach Cream

Zordan fruit bleach cream is a herbal formulation with no ammonia added in it. It helps to give proper moisture to your skin. It helps to give you clear & supple skin. It is safe & effective formula that helps to lighten the skin tone by removing the dead cells from the surface of skin. Zordan Bleach Cream contains all natural ingredients and acts as a natural exfoliator. It helps in combating skin hair with skin color and helps in preventing acne, brightening skin and diminishing scars, blemishes and redness.


  • Helps to combat Skin color with skin hair

How To Use

  • Wash your face before applying bleach on face
  • Mix a teaspoon of the bleach cream with half bleach powder
  • Mix the two for about a minute
  • Apply the mixture carefully on your face and neck area. If feel irritation, remove immediately
  • Leave it for 15 minutes
  • Clean the bleach using cotton ball & rinse with cold water
