Ore Amla

Ore amla gel is prepared from pure amla. It is abundant in vitamin C, vitamin A & it has high anti-oxidant property. It also contains high levels of Folic acid & Minerals like Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorous, Iron, Carotene & Magnesium.

Ore Amla
  • Packing : 500 ml
  • MRP : 225
  • Weight : 634 gm



  • Rich in Antioxidants
  • Helps to boost immunity
  • Helps to prevents viral & bacterial ailments
  • Helps to exfoliate & cleanses skin
  • Anti-aging benefits
  • Helps to improve eye sight
  • Helps to keep hair strong & healthy
  • Helps to prevent premature graying of hair
  • Helps to remove toxins from the body

How To Use

  • Take 30 to 50 ml twice a day diluted in glass of lukewarm water or as directed by the physician.
