Smokill Anti Smoker

Anti Smoker is a combination of adrak, ystimadhu, dal Chini, tulsi, Jaiphal, vacha, ela & satpudina. It helps to suppress cravings of smoking.



  • Easily fits in purse and pocket.
  • Alcohol free, and free of any side effects
  • Helps to reduce the level of carbon mono oxide and increases the level of oxygen
  • It is not a substitute for nicotine and completely herbal
  • Helps to maintain blood circulation & body temperature
  • It can also be used as mouth freshener
  • Helps to smoothen airflow and improves the capacity of the lungs by 30%
  • It is non-habitual

How To Use

  • Whenever you feel like smoking cigarette or chewing tobacco, Spray Anti Smoker Spray in mouth. Shake well before use.